Midweek Memo: Church Leaders in Ireland Decry the Criminalization of Corporate Worship

Since the Covid-19 pandemic began in March 2020, churches in Dublin, Ireland have only been allowed to gather for worship fourteen times. Corporate worship has been banned—but not criminalized—across the country for months, as a matter of public health regulation. That changed on April 16, though, when the Irish Health Ministry signed a new law into effect, making meeting for church a criminal offense.

A statement of the Church leaders of The Dublin Gospel Partnership says, “While we appreciate the unprecedented difficulties government has faced, and thank God for the desire to promote peace and protect life, the introduction of this statutory instrument…has criminalised religious freedoms that the government is obliged to protect.” The statement concludes, “For the good of this nation and for the glory of God, we call again for freedom to worship the risen Lord Jesus Christ - our hope in life and death, and the only Lord of all.”

Pray for Pioneers workers throughout Ireland and their co-laborers, as they seek to honor the Lord, their communities, and their faith families under this new law.