Basque Country Goers

Do you have a heart to see an unreached people group become reached?

Are you called to serve amongst an unreached people group but are not sure in what specific role?

Are you innovative, entreprenial, enthuiastic and eager to see God’s Kingdom expressed on earth? Then you may be the ‘Goer’ we are looking for. The Basques are an unreached people group. The Basque Country consists of endless opportunities for ministry and we have a Launch Team to help you begin your work here.

Humanitarian aid, networking, musicians, outdoor and sports ministry, business management, computer and technology, counseling, yoga, chef, photographer, new sustainable projects, farming, english language teachers, hiking, water sports, artists, leaders and servants. Have giftings, interests, skills, etc perhaps not listed above? Contact us and we will let you know if it could be a fit here! We are always looking for more ways to build the kingdom and strengthen our efforts, and we rejoice in the way God has equipped the body in different ways. We also need people willing to assume pioneering and leadership roles in the coming years to lead teams being launched out.